Monday, July 21, 2014

Day 15, Sunday, July 20 - The Bodleian Library and St. Margaret's Curch

After we watched the movie “Boyhood”, which went through the hardships of growing up and becoming a man, it was 12 at night so everyone hit the sack to enjoy our second sleep in.  We all woke up around 10 and then we were treated with lunch money.  I think everyone enjoyed a break from the sack lunches.  Once we were finished with our lunches we had a break and then toured the Bodleian Library.  Just a couple steps outside of our college, we were able to tour one of the larger libraries in England.  We started the tour by entering a stone room with large windows on both sides and everyone’s eyes lit up for a second.  We couldn’t figure out where we’ve seen this room until the tour guide told us this was the infirmary in Harry Potter.  The highlight of the tour was the massive libraries with the many leather bound books.  These old books had special stands to place them on and were not just for show, students actually used these books that were hundreds of years old.  After we walked through the many libraries we went to a large dome building called the Radcliff Camera.  Though its purpose of a simple two-story library didn’t really fit the large circular building, it paid for its efficiency with absolute beauty.  We were finished touring and we had a 15 minute break so we could get ready for our hike.  We started our walk towards a little chapel in the countryside of Oxford.  What made this chapel so special was that behind it was a well where the author of Alice in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll, got his inspiration for the rabbit's hole.  The dark hole into the ground was pretty creepy and I don’t think anyone thought it was worth the plunge down there to see Wonderland.  That was definitely the longest hike so far, so after dinner everyone was pretty tired and we are ready to rest up for our big day in London tomorrow.

William Jenkins

Tour of Oxford University's Bodleian Library.

The University's first examination room, which was used as the infirmary in Harry Potter.
Chris tries out judges seat in Chancellor's Court.

The Radcliffe Camera.
Dome of Radcliffe Camera.

Entering St. Margaret's Church at Binsey.

Well which is said to have inspired Lewis Carroll

Hiking along the River Thames on the trip back.

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